hand, mechanic, carburetor

Best Motor show of the Year

Qualified Staffer

The Motor Show shows and attends (twice a year during the summer and early winter) make up a large part of my work. I have been a freelance motor journalist for more than 10 years, specializing in cars and motor shows.

I am qualified to show cars and motor vehicles as a motor mechanic (for over 10 years) and am the only such mechanic in England with a recognized qualification (FMCA – Fellow Motor Mechanic).

I am proud of being the only professional mechanic in England with the proper knowledge and professional skill to show and maintain motor vehicles with professional workmanship. I attend motor shows on a yearly basis and bring new parts to show my fellow mechanics and media colleagues.

I always maintain the knowledge and skills necessary to attend the most prestigious motor shows (from the very best to the very worst) throughout Europe. I have been selected to be the Master Mechanic and Motor Show Show Approved (MSA) Technician for 2013. I have attended for the past 6 years and this has been my biggest achievement. I am a five year head of experience mechanic of the Porsche Motor Show Germany.

Best Work of the Year (of your own)

My best work was a project I worked on for a customer, but a real boss likes to give a good job to a good worker, too, so I also had to give a good job to a boss, too. The owner is a world-class team leader and owner of a business with over 30 years in the motor industry and had a beautiful car project of his own.

He paid for the car from the very first moment it was built and wanted the best. He had a great car and a good car too. A fabulous car that needed a lot of work. It was a new build and an all-wheel-drive sports car that had a motor that sounded great and ran perfectly. It had almost everything, except the brakes. The braking system was a single piston and hydraulic system. It was really easy to fix the brakes (or at least I was always told that). This car also had everything apart from a proper stereo system. A great working motor of about 2kwh in size (manual) with a CD player and a radio that actually worked. It had a few issues like a loss of power (of the electric motor) that could also be fixed and a clattering noise (of the engine).

The project took a lot of time to complete.

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